SEC, Senators, and GCash promote culture of compliance

In line with their shared commitment to build a secure cashless ecosystem, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), together with Anti-Financial Account Scamming Act (AFASA) Bill proponent Sen. Win Gatchalian, Senate deputy majority leader and chairman of the Senate Committee on Banks, Financial Institutions, and Currencies  Sen. Mark Villar,  and leading finance super app GCash, have kick-started the Compliance Week Celebration, which aims to build trust among users.

With the theme ‘IComply: Elevating the Culture of Compliance Through Intentional Compliance’, the Compliance Week Celebration was recently held at the GCash HQ and aims to promote a culture of compliance in the workplace.

In recent years, GCash has actively consulted with the government, which it considers a partner in building trust among its growing users.

“Compliance is GCASH – Governance, Control, Accountable, Supervision, High-level. To be compliant, we should be accountable and properly supervised, and the culture of compliance should be embedded in all levels,” said SEC director Meonee Felizmenio.

During the event, GCash agreed with SEC commissioner Kelvin Lee and director Meonee Felizmenio to be intentional in compliance because it plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and stability of financial markets. Furthermore, companies stand to gain by adhering to regulations, fostering trust, and achieving sustainable growth.

“Stability, competition, trust, and transparency remain a common interest of GCash and our government. Constant engagement and collaboration between us is important to fast-track the learning of essential concepts that contribute to its stability,” said GCash president and chief executive officer Martha Sazon.

Throughout the Compliance Week Celebration, attendees experienced a diverse range of activities, including panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions. These activities empowered participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to cultivate a culture of compliance within their respective organizations.

For more information, visit

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